Navajo Safe Water Project: Protecting Navajo People's Health

Dec. 14, 2020
navajo water

The Water Access Coordination Group (WACG) work, led by the Navajo Nation and the Indian Health Service, is a significant undertaking to assess water wells and water stations at each Navajo Chapter community. The WACG's mission is to provide transitional water sites across the Navajo Nation to assist off-grid Navajo families with water needs for hand washing and quality drinking water.

The WACG oversaw the construction of these water access sites and also designed an interactive website to raise awareness and help Navajo Nation communities to locate the new water points – where people can find free water for in-home drinking and cooking. Identifying water points is crucial since 9,650 homes on the Navajo Nation do not have piped water in their homes, and approximately 37,000 people do not have direct access to water.

The website – –is part of a comprehensive communications effort that includes radio and print ads aim to reach populations without internet access. The Haury Program and the Southwest Research and Information Center are helping to fund the radio and print ads. Dig Deep Right to Water Project, a non-profit organization with extensive experience working with the Navajo Nation, coordinates this communication effort.  

Please help the Navajo Nation get the word out about this site by sharing the link on your social media and other outreach avenues.